The Ranches
We have multiple ranches spread across central and east central New Mexico.
The original ranch in the Estancia Valley was purchased in 1989 from Lee and Ruth Elliott. The ranch is at an elevation of approximately 6,200 feet. Annual precipitation is 11 inches. Primary grasses include Blue Grama, Alkali Sacaton, Western Wheat and Vine Mesquite.
The Yeso ranch was purchased in 2007. Elevation is approximately 4,800 feet and annual precipitation is around 14 inches. The Yeso ranch has both solid turf and sandy country. Primary grasses are Blue Grama, Side Oats Grama, Sand Dropseed, Buffalo Grass, Vine Mesquite and Little Bluestem.
The 777 Ranch is north of Willard. It is a Blue Gramma Grass and Alkali Sacaton ranch that is also plentiful in Four Wing Salt Bush/Chamiza. Much like the original ranch, it is at 6,200 feet and gets 11 inches of moisture.
The Bosque Ranch is south of Fort Sumner. The ranch is run as a cow/calf operation, but we also develop the bulls at this location. It is sandy country with a variety of grasses including Bluestems and Sacatons. We have a small grow yard to start bulls with feed and large traps to move bulls to in their development stage.